Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
Dimensions: 28 x 20 x 8.5 cm / 11 x 7.8 x 3.3 inches
Style id 633158
Packing: Box,Invoice,Cards and Dustbag.
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days domestic via USPS/DHL/Fedx, 7-18 days international.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Kristina –
Always amazing service and amazing products!! Love this bag!! I actually bought it a few weeks ago and then ordered another for my daughter ! The seller is so responsive, always providing information and answering my questions ! And the products, well made and beautiful!! So happy with the service and product! I have ordered many time from this seller and the shipping arrives so quickly – by 2 weeks it is here!!
Kristina –
Always amazing service and amazing products!! Love this bag!! I actually bought it a few weeks ago and then ordered another for my daughter ! The seller is so responsive, always providing information and answering my questions ! And the products, well made and beautiful!! So happy with the service and product! I have ordered many time from this seller and the shipping arrives so quickly – by 2 weeks it is here!!
Inez –
I liked it at first sight. This bag is very good. The leather feels very good to the touch. This bag is unexpected. It is very spectacular and beautiful. The quality is also very good. I like it. It has a high-end atmosphere. It has a texture. The texture is very good.